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Transcript: Joshua J. Breedlove

Diabetes programs at the Choctaw Health Center address prevention, treatment, and data collection

One of the things that we do—we have three different diabetes programs within my facility. One is a prevention program, and it’s geared to people who have not been diagnosed with diabetes, or that are at a higher risk than just the rest of the population.
Detected by blood sugar, or weight, or?
A little bit of blood sugar, weight, and then also family history. So we do have the prevention piece, and then, of course, we have the piece when someone has been diagnosed with diabetes, learning to live with it, and then we have a research arm that’s trying to collect data about the diabetes. But in our prevention program, one of the things they do is they try to promote healthy living through a lot of the traditional means like playing stick ball, and they’ll host stickball tournaments, and encourage a lot of our patients to go in and play stick ball and use that as a means of exercise.