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Transcript: Kazuma Nakagawa

Health is not the top priority when people are struggling economically

A lot of people dichotomize something as healthy life and death, and they feel that it's okay if I die early and that's my life, then I will just keep on living the way I am, but a lot of people don't realize that there's a grey zone where they can get ill or they can be severely disabled and ?
It goes on for a long time.
Right, chronically disabled, so those are the things that a lot of people are not taking into account when they make their day-to-day decisions. I mean the thing is, you know, like for most people health is like not their Number 1 priority. The Number 1 priority for a lot of struggling people are, you know, economy, security, job, crime, violence domestic violence, all those, and when those issues take up most of their priorities I mean taking care of their own health becomes the last.