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Transcript: Katherine Gottlieb

Southcentral Foundation was awarded the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2011.

[Dr. Lindberg:]
Here's a photo of this wonderful looking award with the presidential seal and everything else on it. What's that all about?
[Katherine Gottlieb:]
Well, that award is really a treat and it's attributed to Alaska Native people and all of our employees who worked together and you mentioned self-determination. So we have assumed our own health care delivery service in the entire state of Alaska. Alaska Native people have done that. And at Southcentral Foundation, we chose to do a systematic change, which is a total redesign and now our health care delivery system is called Southcentral Foundation's Nuka System of Care.
[Dr. Lindberg:]
As I understand it, it not only says you're managing, but you're managing very well.
Yes, it's one of the highest awards that the president can offer to any business for the way that they're delivering their services in an organization. We're very proud of it.
[Dr. Lindberg:]
Oh, I'm sure you are and have every reason to be.
Thank you.