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Transcript: Noa Emmett Aluli, M.D.

Impact of changing environment on health

The water that nourishes, naturally, the taro fields are being diverted elsewhere. So it is just…trying to make sure that…
Well the Atkins diet, protein is a lot more expensive than sugar, maybe four times as expensive. So, for anyone to undertake an Atkins diet they better have some money behind them.
And now that the traditional corn for the Indians is going to fuel and—
Yeah, that’s strange, too.
We lost the sugarcane, which is in one way good, but we kind of like no longer have pineapple. You know, when you work these plantations, you’re just exposed to all the pesticides and insecticides that we see are causing an increase in the cancers. So you know it’s not only dealing with your own health, it’s dealing with the environment and what to do about it.