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Transcript: Monica Mayer, M.D.

Choice to pursue traditonal or modern medicine lies with the patient

Well, I wonder, you’ve had a great experience with both tribal medicine and with modern or allopathic medicine. Do you think that never the twain shall meet or can they be used together?
A lot of medicine, I think, is in the interpretation of the patient. The primary objective is for an individual who is ill, i.e., the patient, usually determines for themselves where they’re going to go prior. Do they want to partake in Chinese acupuncture medicine that’s been around for 10,000 years plus? Or chiropractic care, or do they want to try hypnotism? Do they want to try Western medicine such as myself? Do they want to be Indian doctored? There are many choices. Or do they want to try their own self home remedies that have been passed down from traditions of, you know, Scandinavian families, or German families, or other families.